
Size - 44.4*57.2 cm, 17.44*22.51 cm

Medium - Pen and Marker on paper

The self is to be sought for and realised. For that is the root of one's life, the root of all lives; it holds the key to all the problems of existence. Man is beset with difficulties and disharmonies within himself. The body is under constant pressure to meet the demands of its twin masters, the life-force and the mind. The life-energy suffers the handicap of the limitations of its physical vehicle and the reigning controls of the mind. The mind is vitiated in its workings by the turbidities of the vital and the pull of inertia and obscurity from its material base. All work at cross-purposes and in the absence of a coordinating and guiding center, life becomes a wasteful, aimless venture. It is only the soul, the innermost center of oneself, that can harmonise and give direction to the disparate elements of one's being. This soul, this self within, must be found. It is again this self that restores harmony between oneself and all in the universe. For the self of the individual is one with the Self of the universe and in finding this identity, the individual becomes one with the Self of All. In place of division there grows oneness. The self found, all is found.