
Size - 71.3*56.2 cm, 28*22.1 in

Medium - Pen and Acrylic on paper

LIBERATION does not come from abandonment or renunciation of objects and works. The bondage is within and not without. The knots of bondage are to be untied within oneself; these knots are the ties of desire, of attachment, of attraction, that make one dwell upon their objects in the consciousness and forge subtly chains that bind. This subtle involvement is deeper than any physical bondage and it outlasts even the shedding of the material body. Therefore a conscious disentanglement and inner detachment from the objects of the senses, movements of the body, life and mind is enjoined. If one cultivates and establishes this poise of non-attachment in the consciousness, then whatever the works one may be called upon to do, whatever the external movements in which one participates, no bondage results, nothing taints. One remains free amidst boundless activity.